Candlelight Vigil to Bring Hannah Home

Hanna Graham
Hanna Graham

An important message from Jalen Ross, U.Va. Student Council President

Hanna Graham
Hanna Graham

Fellow Wahoos:

It is with a heavy, but hopeful, heart that I write to you today.

As most of you know, early Saturday morning, Hannah Graham, one of our own, went missing. The authorities continue the relentless effort to bring her home safely.

We cannot--and must not--lose hope at this moment. In fact, it is now that Hannah's family and friends, as well as those conducting the search for her, need our support most.

I know that this is exactly the kind of need that our community will step up to meet, and I know that many of you have already made great efforts to support one another.

I invite all of you to take that support one step further by joining your peers in a Candlelight Vigil to Bring Hannah Home. We will meet in the Amphitheater on Thursday, September 18, at 9 p.m. to show support for Hannah, her loved ones, each other, and this community we call home.

I hope to see you there.

Jalen Ross
President, UVa Student Council